
Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Some Thoughts on my Mind....

1. Dogs. Chad and I have been talking a lot lately about how much we would love to have a dog. But, we don't have the money for vet bills and things like that and we don't have a lot of room. And we have a baby on the way. A baby is going to be a HUGE adjustment and I don't know if adding a dog to that would be a good idea. So for now, we will keep talking about how much we want one and prepare for the day when we can make it happen. That isn't as easy as it sounds when you see a poster for a free Australian Shepherd. An Australian Shepherd would be perfect for us....

2. Childbirth. Yesterday marked 4 weeks left of my pregnancy. We've officially entered the "waiting game" stage. Who knows if the baby will wait the whole 4 weeks. He might come early, or he might decide to be stubborn and wait more than 4 weeks. Either way, I've started preparing myself for the experience that is childbirth. A huge part of that preparation is for the goal I set to go natural. You read right. I am determined to birth my baby without an epidural. My mom did it. Women do it everyday. Yet, people I have told around here make it seem like it's impossible. They give me a raised eyebrow of disbelief and a fairly discouraging "good luck." It has become rather irritating but every time I get it I become that much more determined to do it. I know I don't know what it's like but like I said, women do it everyday so I know it can be done. I know I have the strength to do it and I'm so grateful for a husband that supports my decision 100%. I am excited for this upcoming adventure!

3. Chad's Job. I am so grateful that Chad has a job he loves. And that his new position as supervisor came at just the right time. He was getting to the point of giving up a job he loved to find one that pays more money. Now, he has the best of both worlds! I love visiting him at work and watching him with the residents. They all love him and he sure loves them. And he has learned so much as supervisor. It has been so fun watching him fill that role, even if it is a little inconvenient at times. He is a wonderful provider and I am so grateful for that.

4. Chad Andrew Phelps. I have such a wonderful husband. He is so humble and so willing to correct his mistakes and take criticism. He is always asking how he can do things better both at work and at home. What an example that is. He is so caring and gentle with me. He is always willing to do anything and everything for me. Including letting me be my stubborn, independent self when he would much rather do it for me. :) He is honest. Completely honest. Something that means the world to me. I witnessed how dishonesty can tear a family apart and it is such a relief that I don't have to worry about that in my own family. And he has a simple, strong testimony of the Gospel. Something that rejuvenates my testimony everyday.

5. The Mission I Didn't Serve. Last night, Chad spoke at Family Home Evening held at the retirement center he works at. He was asked to talk about his mission. I love hearing about Chad's mission. I love the way his face lights up when he talks about it. I am so grateful that he was able to have that amazing experience. But I must confess that I am jealous of it, too. I have always wanted to serve a mission. I wanted my mom to be able to send one of her children out on a mission. I always wanted the opportunity to have the Spirit constantly with me like only missionaries have. And to share the wonderful message of the Gospel with the people of whatever region I would serve in. And to see the wonderful miracle of a life changed by the Gospel. But, alas, that route was not meant for me. At least not at this stage in my life. Later on, when my children are all grown and Chad and I are old and grey, we will serve a wonderful mission together. :)

6. My Alternate Mission. As the laptop sits on my tummy, being kicked and bumped by the tiny life inside of me, I can't help but look forward to the other mission the Lord has in store for me. A mission that is bigger, more far-reaching and nerve wracking than the one I gave up. He has given me the solemn and joyful responsibility to be a mother to this spirit and other spirits to come of His. Instead of being a missionary, I will raise up missionaries. I will raise sons and daughters of God. I will teach them the Gospel, how to be good citizens, how to treat others with love and respect, the concept of consequences for their actions, and the list goes on and on. A pretty heavy responsibility that I hope I can live up to. What a crazy and exciting journey it will be. I can't wait. :)

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