
Tuesday, February 14, 2012

A Few Thoughts on Valentine's Day

Let me start out by saying that I love holidays. All holidays. Yes, they may be very commercialized but when you take away all the candy, gifts, cards, etc. that stores push you to buy, there is something great to be celebrated with each one in whatever way you want to.

That being said, I love Valentine's Day. And I'm sure some of my single friends are thinking (if they happen to read this), "Of course you love Valentine's Day, you're married!" Along with all the posts on facebook saying "Happy Valentine's Day" there are just as many saying "Happy Single Awareness Day" and that always makes me cringe. Yes, everywhere around you, boyfriends and husbands are buying flowers for their girlfriends and wives and neglecting everyone else, but that is not the way it has to be. I have always celebrated Valentine's Day. It started when I was young when I would wake up to find small gifts from my parents every year. It continued as I had boyfriends and now my husband, but even when I didn't have them. When I was single in high school, my mom and I would always do something special, usually involving chocolate and chick flicks. When I went to college, I celebrated with my roommates by going out to dinner and then doing something with chocolate and chick flicks. And even now, it's not just about me and my husband, I think of everyone I love in my life; my son, my parents, my siblings, etc. I always make a point to call my mom and whoever else I feel inspired to on Valentine's Day. It's not about couples, it's about love.

So while I do not believe in saying "I love you" only on Valentine's Day (I say it every chance I get), I still think it's just as good a day as any. So start celebrating everyone you love on Valentine's Day and tell someone you love them. The only thing we take away from this life is the people we love, so why not have a holiday to celebrate the one thing that will stay with us forever!

Saturday, February 4, 2012

On Life, Love, & Laughter


Life is hard sometimes. I look at where I am compared to where all my friends in high school are and I feel very envious sometimes. They aren't strapped down by all the responsibility that comes with a family. They have been able to devote all their time to school and fun. They get to spend their money on new clothes and going out and I have to spend my money on bills and diapers. Sometimes I wish I could just get away and spend a weekend not worrying about bills, mom and wife responsibilities and just have fun. But, at those times I'm reminded of something more important than fun....


At those moments I always seem to get a huge smile and a kiss from my son, feel the life inside of me moving around, or find my husband looking at me affectionately. My life is filled with so much love. I have a husband who adores me, who I adore back. I don't have to deal with the stresses of a family by myself. We are there to support, encourage, and love each other. I have companionship in my life that I wouldn't have if I had continued my single life. I have a son who has an endless supply of kisses for me. His spirit brings so much love into our home. And even the baby inside of me has already brought so much love into our home. So while my apartment may not be filled with nice clothes and other nice things, it is filled with love and I wouldn't change that for anything.


I am also so grateful that my house is full of laughter! Nothing cures frustrations and stress like laughter. I love that Chad and I love to make each other laugh so we're constantly finding ways to do so. And Jarek is quite the silly little dude. He is always doing things to make us laugh and he loves it! What a blessing it is to me that I have a family that makes me laugh so much.

So while I may not have the carefree life I sometimes wish for, I have a very abundant life. An abundant life that brings me so much love and happiness. The Beatles said it best, "All you need is love." :)