
Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Christmas Update

A lot has been going on since I last posted. Jarek is now almost 3 months! Time sure flies.

Anyways, we finally got a dog! She's a little Chihuahua and we named her Coco.

She has quite the personality. She's fairly stubborn and doesn't like to be told what to do. She is a complete momma's girl and follows me everywhere. She's been a lot of fun and we've loved having her around. We just wish we had a fenced yard right out the door so we didn't have to walk her. She takes forever to go potty.

This past weekend was a very busy and fun one. We went to the annual Big Phelps Christmas party down in Grantsville, Utah. It's for my father-in-law's siblings and all of their families. Tons of people and lots of kids running around. We went down Friday night and had fun at a little Christmas party with some of Chad's cousins. We had more fun Saturday with everyone. Lots of chatting, good food, and Christmas Spirit. There was a little program and some of the kids acted out the Nativity Story. It was all way fun.

Here is a picture of just SOME of the babies that were born this year. Jarek is on the end on the right.

It was quite the fiasco to get them together and all sitting up and what not but I think it still turned out cute.

Santa comes to visit the Phelps Christmas party every year so of course we had to get a picture of Jarek meeting Santa for the first time. He wasn't the happiest with us because he was getting hungry but I think the picture turned out great!

After the Big Phelps Party, we did our Little Phelps Christmas Party since most of Chad's siblings we all together, except for Clark and Kristy because they had their baby (congrats!) and Nathan and Tiffani because they are in Minnesota (missed you!). The adults did a White Elephant gift exchange and then Chad's parents handed out the gifts. They got all the adults some food storage. I thought it was a wonderful and thoughtful gift! I've been telling Chad all year that we need to get started on that so I was really happy with the gift. And Jarek came away with this little number:

It says, "All mommy wants for Christmas is a Silent Night." I love it! It's very true. Although, I can't complain much since he only gets up once during the night.

We headed home Saturday night. On our way, we made a stop in Ogden to visit my sister and brother-in-law. It was the first time my brother-in-law had met Jarek. It was a really nice visit with them. Jarek fell asleep in the car on the way there and had the perfect timing to wake up right before we got there so he put on quite the show. I'm pretty sure he stole their hearts. It was great to have a little time with my family. I've missed my family so much this year.

It was a wonderful weekend with Chad's side of the family. It's great that they do their parties a little earlier so we don't have to worry about missing it when we go to MINNESOTA for Christmas this year!!! I am so excited! I'm really grateful that we were able to get the money together to go. And I'm really grateful to be spending some time to celebrate Christmas with both sides of the family. We are so blessed to have such wonderful families!

1 comment:

  1. Haha! I love Jarek's new shirt. Silent Night. I hope you guys get your wish :) I just think he such a cutie.
    Cocoa is such a little cutie too! Makes me miss my little Belle at home. She's a TFT (Toy Fox Terrier) and her personality is similar. She's definitely "Little Miss Princess.'Hope you're doing fabulous Laina. I think about you often. :)
